Sunday, December 27, 2009


So it has been 4 months since I last posted on my blog. The only excuse I have is
5 KIDS (that should be a good enough excuse)!!
So here is whats gone on...
Gabbi turned 8 and was baptized.
Matti turned 2 and is trying out "THE TERRIBLE 2's!
Harper was blessed.
Jeremy and I celebrated our 10th anniversary.
All of our family got to meet Harper.
Harper is starting to follow you and smiling.
Matti discovered she can fit in the dryer.
My 2 favorite people from NP came to visit and meet Harper

Dinosaur Park
Matti thought it would be fun to take off her diaper
Carved pumpkins
went to every free halloween party we could
stood in line for 4 hours with 4 kids to get H1N1 vaccine (thanks to Jeremy's aunt I didn't have to take Harper)

practiced photography with my kids
Harper tried cereal
Jeremy and my mom played duet on piano
Harper and I flew to Missouri to visit my friends (Thanks Jill & Andy)
Harper is really smiling ALOT
Celebrated Thanksgiving with my parents
Put up christmas tree and tried to figure out to put lights on when half the strands were out.

Now for December-
well I haven't downloaded my pics yet and it is 11:17 pm so you will just have to wait for that one. Hopefully it doesn't take me 4 months to update again.