Sunday, February 28, 2010

more pics that didn't load from the slideshow below

these are pics of...
Jeremy, Matti, & Tayler sledding (we actually all went, except for Harper of course)
Matti playing ball with Aunt Angie on Christmas
My 3 beautiful girls in the skirts Grandma Hjorten made them for Christmas
Me with my bro and sisters and parents at my dads surprise 60th bday
Matti with her favorite Uncle (she loves him so much)
Matti showing us how much she loves chocolate (she takes after me, I think)
Jeremy being Jeremy (need I say more)
Harper and I with my friend and her baby from Nebraska. Her family was driving back to NE from Idaho and stopped at Wendy's to have lunch with us. Her baby, Arrizona, and Harper are only 10 days apart. We are so sad we don't live by them so they could be best friends.
Christmas afternoon with the (local) family at Grandma and Grandpas (we missed you Kinghorns)

OK there you have it. Hope this satisfies you for a little while, because we all know how GREAT of a blogger I am.
ENJOY and hope to see you all soon

um, ya I have no excuse!

so here are a few pics showing you what we have been up too...

maybe I should explain some of the pics-
Matti dressed herself with a variety of colorful pieces and Tayler's cowboy boots
Harper (and Tayler and Matti) have RSV right now so Harper is getting a breathing treatment, she tries to lick the air
Jered, Gabbi and I went ice skating for our Ward family home evening (we had a blast)
Matti with her snotty nose sitting in timeout
Jered helping his cousin with a school project, taking pics of places of interest in Ogden (Union Station)
We went to the Treehouse Childrens Museum and the kids dressed up (cousin Broc came with us)
It looks like the slideshow didn't get all the pics I uploaded, so I will try to add more