Saturday, May 29, 2010

Garcia Graduate of 2010

Tayler graduated from Angie's Kinder Academy on May 26. He, of course, was the most handsome graduate there. He did graduate with highest honors.

Buffalo Point 1 mile/5K race

Gabbi & Jered's school hosted a 1 mile and 5K race. So of course our athletic family (HAHA) had to join in the fun. Gabbi and Tayler ran the 1 mile and did an OUTSTANDING job. Jered had a bad cough and so he wasn't able to run. He did cross the finish line though. I was honored to have run the 5K with my dad. This is his 2nd 5K and I tell you he is doing awesome. He was only a couple of minutes behind me. It was freezing (of course, it is May in Utah) but we had our own little cheering section for us as we crossed the finish line.

the aquarium

Some of Jeremy's family came up to SLC so we met them at the aquarium then In-N-Out for lunch. We had a great time especially the eatting part

Baseball season is in full swing

these are of Tayler. Notice the ball still on the tee after he swung. I LOVE watching tball. Tayler gets to play on the same team as my nephew, Spencer (Erik's son).
Gabbi & Jered also play on the same team. Lucky for me this year isn't too rough. They only have a few games that conflict with each other. Thank goodness we live by family, now, that is willing to help out. (Thanks)

school programs

Gabbi was able to sing with her class for the Buffalo Point Hoedown. She did an awesome job. I was so proud of her. She sang every word of every song with exuberance. The entire 2nd grade has been practicing all year long for this performance. Gabbi only started school at this school in April. I dare say she knew the songs better than some of her classmates.
Jered's 1st grade class did an art show. Because he was only there for a little bit he had only 2 works of art. But those were 2 of the BEST works of art I saw. He was so excited to show me what he had done but was equally excited to dress up for school.